"When You See Fireflies"
Equipping Leaders and Parents to Minister Effectively to Generation Alpha
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"Come inside... When you see fireflies!"
When they were younger, we told our children that they needed to stop playing and come inside when they saw those little flashing lights. It was an indication of nighttime, and we wanted them back inside, getting ready for bed and a good night's sleep.
Fireflies flash their little lights when it's becoming dark. They are a clear indicator that it's nighttime and that the dangers that accompany the dark are close.
Our world is becoming darker by the minute. Have you noticed? So many dangers are lurking, ready to devour our children. Our voice must rise to the occasion and tell them to come inside where it's safe. However, have you noticed that they are missing?

Growing numbers are succumbing to the attractions of the world - be it technology, sports practices, dance recitals, or friends. Our children are growing up in a world of opportunity, a world of danger!
Generation Alpha are our children. Born between 2010-2024, they are unlike any other children. Why?
Because, unlike any other generation, they have been born into a very different world!
A world of technology. Have you noticed how adept they are with their iPads and iPhones? Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to tear the devices from their little fingers?
A world of danger - cyber threats, bullying, shootings!
A world of unbelief - the church has become a place of hypocrisy and irrelevance.

Have you noticed... we are losing them from our churches? Kids and families!
The first step to gaining their trust is to understand them. How well do you know them?
Are you listening when they ask the hard questions?
Do you realize they have a very different learning style?
Do you understand their need for meaningful relationships?
I get asked to review a lot of books. I’m so glad I got to read this one. Janine offers a fresh approach to reach today’s kids. We won’t reach this present generation of kids with yesterday’s strategy. Here’s a current strategy to reach today’s kids. I highly recommend this book.
JIM WIDEMAN (Family Minister Pioneer, Jim Wideman.com).
"When you See Fireflies" is filled with relevant and timely information about Generation Alpha, the children we are ministering to right now. It will equip you to understand who they are, why so many are leaving the church, and how to help this generation develop lifelong faith in Jesus. This book is a treasure trove for those in children's ministry as well as parents, educators, and even grandparents.
DR. JOSH MULVIHILL (Author and Executive Director at Renewanation.org).
When you read Janine’s book, you are convinced of four things:
(1) She understands and models grace even in the way she encourages others,
(2) She knows children and the challenges in teaching them, having had years of experience,
(3) She knows how times have changed and is forward-thinking in her approach,
(4) She recognizes the need for a clear presentation of the gospel. Anyone, particularly those working with children, would be helped by what God, wisdom, and experience have taught her.
DR. R. LARRY MOYER (Founder & CEO, EvanTell).
I love this book--for several reasons! In When You See the Fireflies, Janine McNally's writing voice is a combination of practitioner, child advocate and futurist. As you read, you will not only discover a strong analysis of the challenge the church currently faces to raise resilient child disciples--but you will also discover a compilation of excellent research combined with the gathering of the voices of rising leaders in child discipleship and suggestions for innovative best practices for the challenging, and sometimes, dark times in which we live. Highly recommended as a great read and discussion starter for every church today.
VALERIE BELL (Awana CEO/Emerita, Author of Resilient: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church).
When You See Fireflies is a WAKE UP CALL not only to Children’s Ministry Leaders but to Lead Pastors as well. It is a bold, fearless reality check on the cultural dusk that has settled upon our culture and reveals what it is going to require of ministries to be a Light in the Darkness that has stopped creeping and started storming into the schools, homes, and minds of our kids today. But it does more than just sound the alarm. It offers practical strategies for those who are willing to think differently so we can reach the next generation for Christ. Janine’s book is going to play a major role in helping the Church make the necessary shift it must in the years ahead.
PASTOR KARL BASTIAN (Children’s Pastor and Founder of Kidology.org).
I love this invaluable resource Janine has gifted to the body of Christ. Effectively communicating the truth of the gospel to the next generation has never been more important. Janine is not afraid to confront the taboo topics that the church has historically avoided. Instead, she challenges the reader to face these controversial topics head-on so that a generation might be reached. In a world filled with distractions, Janine gives us the perfect blueprint on how the church can address these critical topics that directly affect the alpha generation.
ESTHER MORENO (Author, Founder - Child's Heart).