Christmas is a great time to reach families and kids who might not normally attend your church. Here are some children's ministry ideas you could use during the Christmas season.
Make a Christmas gift for someone during a Sunday service. Decorate a wooden ornament or make a Christmas card.
Cookie Decorating: Buy large cookies and have the children decorate one.
Christmas Paper Chain: During the last week of November, make an Advent paper chain, each link suggests one activity to do each day leading up to Christmas.

The Christmas Nail Ornament
Tie a red ribbon around a nail and attached the Christmas Nail card Download the template and instructions here.
Provide cookies and hot chocolate after the service. This is a great opportunity to chat with families.
Provide Christmas Activity Books for the children. They can be used as a Christmas gift, in a welcome bag, or used during the Christmas service. Grace4Kids has two different levels which include the gospel throughout Download them here.

Distribute a Christmas Gospel Tract to each child to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas. Download here.

Candy Canes: Hand out Candy Canes and tell the story behind them.

Photo Booth: Provide an opportunity for a family photo. Purchase a vinyl backdrop and allow families to take photos.
Crazy Christmas Dress Up Day: Dress in your favorite Christmas gear - shirts, pajamas, dresses, Santa hats, socks.
Have an AWESOME Christmas season remembering the Reason for the season.
In His service